Freedom of Speech and Expression in Journalism (Freedom of Press)
Unless there is freedom of expression in journalism, a journalist cannot raise social issues. Recently, due to the pressure on the journalists, the constraints of the media owners, many times the journalists get tired while writing the news. In many countries, similar types of killings have come forward. Many incidents like false accusations, filing of crimes, attacks on journalists are coming forward. Voice of Media is taking initiatives to ensure that freedom of expression in journalism remains intact. A separate cell has been set up in this context. An Anti-Journalist Attack Action Committee has been formed and through that a new office-bearer has been appointed at each place. While doing journalism, news should be reported boldly. When that news is printed, that journalist organization should stand firmly behind that journalist, when journalists are attacked, crimes are committed against the journalist.When a journalist is brought to court, Voice of Media will stand firmly behind that journalist. In this regard, Voice of Media will prepare a separate policy.